Teach courses pertaining to the chemical and physical properties and compositional changes of substances. Work may include providing instruction in the methods of qualitative and quantitative chemical analysis. Includes both teachers primarily engaged in teaching, and those who do a combination of teaching and research.
Jobs available locally 10,258 |
Demand Locally +1 % |
Annual Wage Range $50,998 – $214,067 |
Conduct chemical and physical laboratory tests to assist scientists in making qualitative and quantitative analyses of solids, liquids, and gaseous materials for research and development of new products or processes, quality control, maintenance of environmental standards, and other work involving experimental, theoretical, or practical application of chemistry and related sciences.
Jobs available locally 205 |
Demand Locally +3 % |
Annual Wage Range $33,600 – $96,766 |
Conduct qualitative and quantitative chemical analyses or experiments in laboratories for quality or process control or to develop new products or knowledge.
Jobs available locally 245 |
Demand Locally +2 % |
Annual Wage Range $53,840 – $135,000 |
Program Level:
Natural & Physical Sciences
Science & Technology
About the Discipline:
Northwest Vista College (NVC) offers a variety of chemistry courses for science majors, students pursuing an allied health or nursing career and for non-science majors.
Most of the courses are transfer courses for the student who will eventually pursue a Bachelor's of Science or a Pre-Med degree at a 4-year college or university.
Courses offered for science majors are General Chemistry (2 semesters), Organic Chemistry (2 semesters) and Analytical Chemistry (1 semester). For the allied health and nursing students, as well as the non-science majors we offer one semester each of Introductory Chemistry I (emphasis on general chemistry) and Introductory Chemistry II (emphasis on Organic and Biochemistry).
All lecture courses have accompanying lab courses that provide direct hands-on experience with chemistry and chemicals. The labs are tailored towards the demonstration and practice of principles discussed in the lecture class.
The chemistry department offers day-time and evening classes, as well as a series of once-a-week lectures and labs on Fridays.
Contact Us |
Erica Arcos Location: Phone: |
Eric Madrid Location: Phone: |
Jacob Crandall Location: Phone: |